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Herbal Wisdom and Healing Lore for Those Who Menstruate


Many of us menstruate.  Some of us bleed every month or every moon, some more often, others less often.  What goes on within our bodies is mysterious and sacred.  Sometimes cramps, mood swings and emotional chaos feel out of our control, unknown, frustrating, even scary.  However, we have the ability to develop relationships with these challenges and joys, making them less mysterious and more sacred.

From the introduction:

Explore ways to support and balance the tides of menstruation through nutrition, herbal remedies, and self-care.  Simple, everyday strategies can help put health and healing into one’s own hands, build confidence and trust in the body, and reframe what may feel like struggles or challenges into processes of self-knowing.


By Brittany Wood Nickerson
Illustrations by Chelsea Iris Granger


63 page, 5″ x 7″ Book

Sacred and Mysterious Book

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